Roofing insurance claims are instrumental to minimizing the financial impact of a damaged roof. Homeowners tend to be intimidated by…
Water damage can lead to other kinds of problems that have far worse consequences, yet are entirely preventable with timely…
Today’s roofing systems are made of more than just the outer metal, slate or asphalt. It’s a system of several…
One of the signs of a competent roofing contractor is their ability to conduct a thorough inspection, and perform appropriate…
You may have an indoor humidity problem if you notice your roof deck or attic tends to form condensation. In…
Commercial roofing is far from just being a set-and-forget installation, especially since it’s actually exposed to greater amount of wear and…
Metal is quickly gaining on asphalt shingles for the title of the most popular residential roofing material, thanks to its…
On the outside, a roofing system might look simple enough. But upon closer inspection, you’re likely to find that multiple…
Hiring an amateur roofer exposes you to unnecessary risks, such as subpar materials and shoddy workmanship. Read on as discusses…
There’s no shortage of roofing materials nowadays. When faced with a plethora of choices, it helps to categorize them according…