roofing contractors

Why Proper Attic Ventilation Is Good for Your Roof

Proper attic ventilation is a crucial component of a healthy, long-lasting roof. From the sweltering heat of summer to the…

4 months ago

How a New Roof Helps Lower Your Home Insurance Premiums

When considering home improvements, a common question that arises is whether getting a new roof could lead to lower insurance…

8 months ago

Timeless Roofing Colors To Pick for Your Next Roof

Selecting the perfect color for your new roof can be a daunting task. With options ranging from classic shades to…

8 months ago

Why Roofing Contractors Don’t Like Roof-Overs

A roof-over is a roofing method where a new layer of shingles is installed over the existing ones. It is…

9 months ago

Your Newly Installed Roof Is Leaking. What Now?

It’s the worst possible scenario. You had contractors install a shiny new roof and gutters one day and the very next day,…

4 years ago

Areas of a Roofing System and Their Common Problems

On the outside, a roofing system might look simple enough. But upon closer inspection, you’re likely to find that multiple…

6 years ago